Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

TFG’s illegal stash of gov’t documents at mar-a-lago & other legal troubles

This one delves into the indictment of the t—— organization by Attorney General of New York, Letitia James and team. It’s a video clip that covers a few examples of the fraud committed.

Here’s another video about the heap of trouble, and, it reminded me that Letitia James brought a civil, not a criminal case, although she made criminal referrals… so, that means it wasn't an indictment, which involves a criminal accusation. If I understand right, she sued t---- (and don jr, eric, and ivanka and the t---- organization) for x amount of dollars....

more here about the lawsuit from the Washington Post [9.21.22]: Donald Trump, 3 of his children accused of business fraud by New York AG: Lawsuit alleges $250 million fraud, seeks to bar the Trumps from serving as executives of any company operating in New York
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A long lost chapter from Alice in wonderland found? Or, the day through the looking glass gains humdrum status.
So. You've probably heard. T---- hired two people to search his properties for classified documents. Sounds above-board, eh? They found two in a storage unit in Florida. A reputable daily news publication, WaPo, I think, reported t----'s lawyers tut-tutting about the FBI search at MAL last summer, (swoon - such an invasion of privacy - no, sorry NOT... the FBI had a search warrant and everything was done by the book). Of course, t----'s lawyers are hired to come up with this drivel.

One of my favorite dudes to listen to, Lawrence O'Donnell, has a wonderful way of describing the things they found there and always finishes with, IN HIS DESK. Yes, there were classified documents in t----'s desk, while he professed to having turned everything over. Uh-huh.

I'm really posting though in order to keep up a rough catalog of events, the most recent being the amazing verdict that just came down in the trial concerning fraud at the T---- Organization. Guilty on 17 counts.

Trump Bedeviled by Company's Conviction and Senate Candidate's Defeat [NYTimes; 12.7.22]
One case down, 3 more to go, potentially [DA Fani Willis and the hanky panky in Georgia; and the two with the Justice Dept, under Jack Smith, special prosecutor: the documents case and Jan 6]

We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong [NYTimes Opinion/Guest Essay;4.4.23]

For weeks, Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, has come under heavy fire for pursuing a case against Donald Trump. Potential charges were described as being developed under a novel legal theory. And criticism has come not only from Mr. Trump and his allies, as expected, but also from many who are usually no friends of the former president but who feared it would be a weak case.

With the release of the indictment and accompanying statement of facts, we can now say that there’s nothing novel or weak about this case. The charge of creating false financial records is constantly brought by Mr. Bragg and other New York D.A.s. In particular, the creation of phony documentation to cover up campaign finance violations has been repeatedly prosecuted in New York. That is exactly what Mr. Trump stands accused of.
The 34 felony books and records counts in the Trump indictment turn on the misstatement of the hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels... There are 11 counts for false invoices, 11 for false checks and check stubs and 12 for false general ledger entries. This allegedly violated the false records statute when various entries were made in business documents describing those repayments as legal fees.
Moreover, the statement of facts alleges that deals, including one for Ms. Daniels and another for Karen McDougal that involved The National Enquirer, which had longstanding ties to Mr. Trump, were for the purpose of helping him win the presidency. If that is proved, then the deals would be “attempts to violate state and federal election laws,” as Mr. Bragg said in a statement, such as on their amount and disclosure. In this theory, the false records in the indictment covered up the campaign finance violation.

While the particulars of Mr. Trump’s case are unique, his behavior is not. Candidates and others have often attempted to skirt the disclosure and dollar limit requirements of campaign finance regulations and falsified records to hide it. Contrary to the protestations of Mr. Trump and his allies, New York prosecutors regularly charge felony violations of the books and records statute — and win convictions — when the crimes covered up were campaign finance violations, resulting in false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity.
Another take (short) that adds a detail:

Bragg: Trump Falsified Business Records As Part Of A Larger Illegal 'Scheme' [TPM;4.4.23]
For falsification of business records to constitute as a felony under New York State law, it must be done in order to cover up another crime. While the indictment described potentially criminal activity, Trump was not charged with any other crime and his attorneys latched onto this issue in brief remarks outside the courthouse.

“There were no facts in there. I mean, normally in an indictment you have alleged facts,” Joe Tacopina, one of Trump’s lawyers, said. “They said that this was a false business record entry to aid and abet another crime without saying what the other crime was.”

Bragg was asked about this issue at his press conference. He said the law “does not require” him to specify the other crime in an indictment. Bragg also pointed to alleged crimes he described in his remarks including “more additional false statements including statements that were planned to be made to tax authorities.”
Added 4.8.23: I forgot to mention the case brought by AG Letitia James of NY and also the rape case brought by E Jean Carroll. And, this past week, judges denied some of t----'s challenges / appeals, directed at preventing testimony from people like Mark Meadows, his former chief of staff, and other top aides in the Jan 6 case... Some talking heads pointed to those developments as the most important of this past week, which is saying a lot, since t---- was just arrested and arraigned, a first in presidential history.
Here's a synopsis, which doesn't mention the E Jean Carroll case but does mention the various t---- losses on appeals.

Trump faces more legal threats beyond a hush money case. Here's the status of those probes [CNBC;4.6.23]
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Walt Nauta’s indictment is a warning to 'Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mafia' [msnbc;6.10.23]

I haven’t read the article yet but I’m posting cuz I like the news clip w former CIA director John Brennan and Ben Rhodes that appears at the top, before the article. I hope that same clip continues to appear and doesn’t rotate to something more current.

It gives perspective on national defense materials, t——‘s handling of them and impacts of that recklessness on the country and for our relationships w other countries.

Obviously, this is post- indictment of t—— by the Special Counsel on Thursday, 6/8/23.
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Have we skipped an indictment or two???? Actually, I think all 3 are listed in this thread: the one concerning hush-money payments, brought by Alvin Bragg in NY; the one concerning government documents at mar-a-lago; and the one concerning 6 January. Anticipating, any day now, the one from Georgia DA Fani Willis concerning t----'s post-election phone call to GA Secretary of State Raffensperger about 'finding votes'.

Anyhow, here's an opinion article on the latest (8.1.23), concerning 6 January 2021 and other efforts to overturn the 2020 election:

What Makes Jack Smith's New Trump Indictment So Smart [NYTimes;8.2.23]

There's a link at the top of the article to the full 45-page indictment. It's recommended we US citizens read it. I haven't yet. Maybe later.
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I absolutely can't figure out why he has so many supporters. WTH is going on?
Actually, Jan 6 was treasonous. I just don't get it.
I absolutely can't figure out why he has so many supporters. WTH is going on?
Actually, Jan 6 was treasonous. I just don't get it.

Because Republicans have been bombarded on radio, TV and the internet since 1990 with this message: "Democrats hate America and want to destroy it".

There are people who are 50 years old or younger and for their entire adult life have heard NOTHING but that message. But no matter their age, that is the something they've heard every single day of their lives for more than three decades.

Consequently, Republicans actually believe that all Democrats hate America and want to destroy it. So no matter how bad a Republican is - Donald Trump. Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Greene Taylor, etc., etc., and etc. - they believe that the absolute worst Republican is better than the absolute best Democrat. Because, remember - they really and truly believe that the absolute best Democrat in the country hates America and wants to destroy it.
Because Republicans have been bombarded on radio, TV and the internet since 1990 with this message: "Democrats hate America and want to destroy it".

There are people who are 50 years old or younger and for their entire adult life have heard NOTHING but that message. But no matter their age, that is the something they've heard every single day of their lives for more than three decades.

Consequently, Republicans actually believe that all Democrats hate America and want to destroy it. So no matter how bad a Republican is - Donald Trump. Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Greene Taylor, etc., etc., and etc. - they believe that the absolute worst Republican is better than the absolute best Democrat. Because, remember - they really and truly believe that the absolute best Democrat in the country hates America and wants to destroy it.
That’s a big part of it.

Now that I can’t frequent twitter anymore, I’m happy when I find some insights from people I used to follow there. Here’s Ruth Ben Ghiat in an interview, talking about what we are seeing play out right now. It has some answers that might interest @GemInEye . For example how and why t—— flew in to DC when bedminster is an easy drive away. She describes t——‘s skill as a propagandist. Ghiat is an academic with a particular focus on mussolini and she reminds that various phrases t—— utters and techniques he employs come straight out of previous strongmen’s playbooks.

Live: Expert on fascism WARNS of Trump and MAGA’s NEW THREATS after the indictment [8.6.23]
That’s a big part of it.

Now that I can’t frequent twitter anymore, I’m happy when I find some insights from people I used to follow there. Here’s Ruth Ben Ghiat in an interview, talking about what we are seeing play out right now. It has some answers that might interest @GemInEye . For example how and why t—— flew in to DC when bedminster is an easy drive away. She describes t——‘s skill as a propagandist. Ghiat is an academic with a particular focus on mussolini and she reminds that various phrases t—— utters and techniques he employs come straight out of previous strongmen’s playbooks.

Live: Expert on fascism WARNS of Trump and MAGA’s NEW THREATS after the indictment [8.6.23]
Thank you to you and Rodeo
I'm sure there will be another uprising before it's all over with. Idiot is still making threats.
He must be driving his lawyers crazy.
Here's the 4th indictment, the one brought by Georgia DA Fani Willis: The State of Georgia vs Donald John Trump (and 18 others). Yikes. 90-some pages. The one you have to read!

This is a link to an annotated version, made by the NYTimes. I think you can access the pdf to the actual document, at the top of the article.

The Trump Georgia Indictment, Annotated [NYTimes; 8.15.23]

A grand jury in Fulton County, Ga., on Monday unveiled the fourth criminal indictment of former President Donald J. Trump. Like a federal indictment earlier this month, this one concerns Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss. But it differs in that it charges 18 other defendants who are alleged to have taken part in the scheme.
I'm adding another summary of the charges, this time from Just Security. It's good and easy to look at:
Quick Reference Guides for the Fulton County Election Interference Charges [8.24.23]
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Thank you to you and Rodeo
I'm sure there will be another uprising before it's all over with. Idiot is still making threats.
He must be driving his lawyers crazy.

A lady from just down the road here in Houston was arrested yesterday for threatening to kill the judge in the Washington, D.C. case.

I'm sure Trump posting "IF YOU COME AFTER ME, I'LL COME AFTER YOU!" last week had nothing to do with it.

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