Purple and Black
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Political Hodgepodge

OPEC and Russia won't expand oil output faster, in a rebuff to President Biden [NYTimes; 11.4.21]
So, of course, my first thought was that it's in the interests of Saudi Arabia and Russia to impose damage on Biden, since they're no longer riding the trump gravy train and likely wish to revisit that situation. But, the writer of the article doesn't go anywhere near that assumption and lays the situation out purely as an economic decision. And, obviously, there's an effect of rising demand as some of the covid effect lessens.

I'm putting this here in 'political hodgepodge' but it could just as well go into the Biden administration thread because voters vote with their pocket books and Biden will likely take a political hit for rising gas prices, no matter the reason.
President Biden and other world leaders have called on countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to increase production because oil prices, which collapsed during last year’s pandemic lockdowns, have now reached their highest levels in seven years. Gasoline prices, too, have jumped in the United States, Britain and elsewhere.

The jump in prices, Mr. Biden said Tuesday, “is a consequence of, thus far, the refusal of Russia or the OPEC nations to pump more oil.”
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the Saudi oil minister who led the meeting, displayed a chart showing that since the beginning of March the prices of natural gas in Europe have roughly quintupled while Brent crude oil, the international benchmark, is only up by around a third.

“Oil is not the problem,” he said.
Mr. Bahree noted that although Saudi Arabia had returned its oil production to pre-pandemic levels, the output of the United States, the world’s largest oil producer, is still well below what it was before the virus hit.
Hmm... I wonder why that is?
And, then there's an effect of the world's attempt to move away from dependence on oil.
From the perspective of the big producers, Mr. Biden and other leaders are asking them to provide more oil so as to smooth the shift to a world where they may be out of business. There is probably “growing frustration” among the oil producers in OPEC Plus “at being asked to supply more barrels by Western leaders who are also calling for a rapid transition to renewables and an end to the age of oil,” Helima Croft, head of commodities research at RBC Capital Markets, an investment bank, wrote in a note to clients.
With climate pressures looming, the OPEC countries may prefer to reap higher revenue, build their financial reserves and raise funds for investments in solar and wind power and other businesses that may eventually replace oil.

OPEC and its allies may also have less room to increase production than is believed. The group is falling short of its overall target, and some members, like Angola and Nigeria, are thought to have already reached their maximum outputs, while others, like Russia, may not be far away. It is not in the interest of countries unable to increase output for the Saudis and others to increase production, bringing down prices and revenue.
In the coming months, demand for oil, still the world’s largest source of energy, appears likely to grow further, as the global economy continues to recover, according to forecasters. Supply, however, may not keep pace, partly because oil companies and investors are wary of investing in what may be a dying business.

The result could be a bumpy transition.
Remember when Tang-Face was so worried about the toilet flushing capacity in the WH? :falloff:

(CNN 12/7/2019) “People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once.” It wasn’t entirely clear what he was talking about but it appeared to have to do with bathroom fixtures with low-flow appliances. He said the Environmental Protection Agency was looking into the issue on his suggestion..

Book reveals Trump staff found flushed papers in White House toilet​

(CNN ) Maggie Haberman's new book "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America" reveals that staff in the White House during Trump's presidency say they found documents periodically flushed down the toilet in the White House. Maggie Haberman joins New Day to discuss.
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Wonder how many gifts from other countries he took with him?
Several years ago I went to see George W. Bush's Library, on display were gifts that other Countries had given him, there was a sign that said, those gifts belong to the people of the US and not for the President's personal use. Those gifts were beautiful, jewel encrusted gems.
Wonder how many gifts from other countries he took with him?
Several years ago I went to see George W. Bush's Library, on display were gifts that other Countries had given him, there was a sign that said, those gifts belong to the people of the US and not for the President's personal use. Those gifts were beautiful, jewel encrusted gems.
As many as he and his grubby family could grift, I imagine.

Donald Trump’s accounting firm cut ties with his company and retracted financial statements central to two investigations, court papers show.

Monday, February 14, 2022 4:09 PM EST
The Manhattan district attorney’s office and the office of the New York attorney general, Letitia James, have been investigating whether Mr. Trump used the statements to defraud his lenders into providing him the best possible loan terms.

Whaddya know? LOL

You know Trump is NOT a happy camper tonight.
Not only has Trump's accounting firm cut ties, and stated that certain financial statements are not to be trusted, but this was filed today:

Keep in mind that Saudi Arabia is the first country visited as President. Where this infamous picture was taken:

AND one thing Trump did while in office was to sell them weapons against the express wishes of Congress. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...apons-sales-to-saudi-arabia-uae-idUSKCN1SU25R
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Not only has Trump's accounting firm cut ties, and stated that certain financial statements are not to be trusted, but this was filed today:

Keep in mind that Saudi Arabia is the first country visited as President. Where this infamous picture was taken:

AND one thing Trump did while in office was to sell them weapons against the express wishes of Congress. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...apons-sales-to-saudi-arabia-uae-idUSKCN1SU25R

Saudis also bailed Jared Kushner out of his financial jam back in 2017, saving Kushner from bankruptcy.

T***p looked the other way when the crown prince of Saudi Arabia ordered that Jamal Koshaggi be killed and sawed into little pieces.
Step by step, inch by inch...


The New York attorney general can question Donald Trump and two of his children in a civil inquiry into his business practices, a judge ruled.

Thursday, February 17, 2022 3:27 PM EST
The inquiry by the attorney general, Letitia James, and a parallel criminal investigation led by the Manhattan district attorney are examining whether Mr. Trump improperly inflated the value of his assets to receive favorable loans.
Read the latest
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Washington Post

Trump's Truth Social's disastrous launch raises doubts about its long-term viability​


“Truth Social” promotional materials. (Photo illustration by Leon Neal/Getty Images) (Getty)

  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
Drew Harwell, (c) 2022, The Washington Post
Tue, February 22, 2022, 1:49 PM·7 min read

In this article:

  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
    45th President of the United States

Former president Donald Trump, a longtime critic of how Democrats debuted healthcare.gov, is facing a bungled website launch of his own.
His long-promised social network, Truth Social, has been almost entirely inaccessible in the first days of its grand debut due to technical glitches, a 13-hour outage and a 300,000-person waitlist.
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Even Trump supporters made jokes about the early slog. Jenna Ellis, a former member of his legal team, posted to Instagram a photo showing Trump with his finger hovering over a laptop, "letting us on to Truth Social one at a time."
The site had been heralded for months as the crown jewel of Trump's post-presidential business ambitions, with allies pledging it would revolutionize social media and take down the mainstream social networks where Trump is banned.

But early glimpses at Truth Social suggest its offerings are almost identical to what Twitter and other sites have offered for years - except tweets are called "Truths," and retweets "ReTruths. The site's early struggles also have fueled doubts that Trump's company will be able to handle tougher long-term challenges, such as policing for dangerous content and guarding against cyberattacks.
"The basic thing they needed to actually get right to get someone in the door, they couldn't get right," said Bill Fitzgerald, a privacy researcher. The "ineptitude of the rollout," he added, could be a warning of future issues ahead: "There is no better sign of a rushed implementation than the fact that you can't onboard anybody. So I'm hard-pressed to understand why anyone would trust that these people would keep their information safe."
The site's problems extend beyond its waitlist: Its logo - a broken capital 'T' with a period - is identical to the logo of Trailar, a British seller of truck solar panels. A company executive told The Washington Post that it is "seeking legal advice to understand next steps and options available to protect our brand."

Though Trump has criticized social networks' "wildly aggressive censorship," his site's "terms of service" mark some extensive restrictions for acceptable speech. People are banned from trying to "trick" or "mislead" other users, violating anyone's "privacy or publicity rights," or posting messages that "depict violence" or include messages related to "sexual fetishes," "sugar babies" or "sexually suggestive" phrases. People are also forbidden from posting anything "false," "indecent," "misleading," "profane," "obscene," "filthy" or "otherwise objectionable."

Trump's company, the Trump Media & Technology Group, also prohibits anyone from attempting to "disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site." Truth Social has already banned an account named for a Twitter parody that targeted former Rep. Devin Nunes, who resigned from Congress to become the Trump company's CEO.
The site's terms of service also show it is designed to benefit from Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which Trump has said should be "completely terminated" because it protects tech companies from being sued for what their users post.

Truth Social's problems were evident from the start, even though the site's developers have had months to retool already-used software for the site's launch.
On Sunday, people who'd "preordered" the app from Apple's App Store were sent an alert that it was available, sending it sailing to the top of the free-app download charts.
But many who tried to actually sign up to use the app faced obstacles immediately. People reported they'd been given error messages or "failure to register" warnings when they entered their birthday. Or they submitted their email address as requested, then never received a sign-up response.

The site was unavailable for most of its first day, Presidents' Day, and its operators reported that "overwhelming demand" had triggered an outage lasting more than 13 hours. During that time, even the company's terms of service were offline.

The developers wrote on an internal updates page Monday afternoon that they had "stabilized the account creation process." But on Tuesday, many were still reporting that they were around 300,000th in line. (Some even went backward: One person reported they'd gone from no. 215,406 on the waiting list Monday night to no. 295,046 by Tuesday afternoon.)
There were other signs that Truth Social's growing pains were just getting started. The app for now is available only for iPhones in the U.S. On a 'help' page, the site's own name is misspelled.
The truthsocial.com website, which allowed for early sign-ups, got about 350,000 visits last week, down from 2 million visits the week of its announcement in October, according to estimates from Similarweb, an analytics firm that tracks and estimates Web traffic. Facebook and Twitter each get hundreds of millions of visits a week.

Company representatives have not responded to requests for comment. On Sunday, CEO Nunes predicted the site would be "fully operational" by the end of March. Last week, he told Sebastian Gorka, Trump's former deputy national security adviser, "We're having to build this from scratch to make sure we can't be canceled and can't be shut down."

But far from being built from scratch, the site's code shows it is based heavily on the open-source software Mastodon, which provides free, prebuilt social-networking sites that users can then edit and customize. Truth Social also depends on code from eight other outside development teams to handle text, images, security and other data, its own documentation shows.

The glitchy debut also suggests Trump will face big challenges as he scrambles to secure his place in the online spotlight and build an alternative social media platform that can compete with similar sites, including Gab, Gettr, MeWe and Parler - the latter of which Trump's wife, Melania, said earlier this month she would make "Her Social Media Home."

During the months of waiting, several copycat sites also beat Trump's social network to the punch, including a totally unaffiliated "social app for truth" that charges users $4.99 a week. Another "Truth Social" look-alike showed a Trump rally photo next to boxes asking for people's email addresses and passwords.

But those sites offered something the real Truth Social could not: They worked. Even a copycat site, TMTGSocial.com, which someone unaffiliated with Trump registered after Trump's allies first announced Truth Social in October, now has hundreds of users - posting pro-Trump content, seemingly under the impression they've joined the real thing.

For months, many of them have been posting comments and photos, friending each other and following fake Trump accounts. Others have voiced their excitement that Trump is, as one said, about to "let the TRUTH PREVAIL."
The site gives no indication that it's phony and has a fake Trump profile that includes the former president's birthday, photos and location ("Mar-a-Lago Club"). When Trump's son posted last week that his father had shared his first message on the Truth Social beta site, someone at the fake site quickly copied it: "Get Ready! Your favorite President will see you soon!"

The fake site's code shows that it uses WoWonder, a $125 set of basic tools anyone can use to make their own social network. But the fraudulent site doesn't say who actually runs it, and questions sent to the site's leadership in recent days have yielded no response.

One user, Stuart Fletcher, a 46-year-old unemployed house painter in England, said he'd joined believing the site would be "a place for honest conversations and debate without the censorship." He said Facebook had put him in "Facebook jail" for more than 250 days last year for breaking its "misinformation" rules. On the fake site, he created a profile listing his name, birthday, current city, high school and a short biography ("Seeker of Truth.") He said he's still waiting to join the real site.
The QAnon morons are literally wetting their pants because someone took the screen name "Q" over on TFG's soon-to-fail social media app. Here, let a complete idiot named Don Spectacularis fill you in:

BACKGROUND - there is a post from "Q" that said "Just a Q minding his P's".

IS this the real Q?

The question you should instead be asking yourself is: Would a social media site built literally by Donald Motherfucking Trump, for the sharing of truths no less, featuring an IMPOSSIBLE-TO-GET single character username, that somehow just so happens to be the letter 'Q' (of all things), that then gets brought to people's attention NOT organically but by Devin Fucking Nunes (of all people), for an account that was created on a date -- the letters of which add up to 17 -- and that too PRIOR TO the creation of the account of the literal motherfucking owner of the said platform...
... do I even need to say anything more STILL???

And if that doesn't convince you, let a complete dumbass named MudFlood make the final sale:

Also it is Feb 9 = 2 9 = 119 (911). 2022. There is a 11 11 11 11 in there. Taking back there symbolism.

Never mind that "Just a Q minding his P's" is actually 19 characters. Checkmate, libs!
The QAnon morons are literally wetting their pants because someone took the screen name "Q" over on TFG's soon-to-fail social media app. Here, let a complete idiot named Don Spectacularis fill you in:

BACKGROUND - there is a post from "Q" that said "Just a Q minding his P's".

And if that doesn't convince you, let a complete dumbass named MudFlood make the final sale:

Never mind that "Just a Q minding his P's" is actually 19 characters. Checkmate, libs!

These people are fuckwits

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What's really shocking (e.g. Jan 6th) is how many people BELIEVE a lot of this shit!

There was a thread on Great Awakening yesterday titled something like "My Son Thinks I'm Nuts". I should have posted it, the replies are hilarious!

"My son thinks I'm nuts, too!"

"So does mine!"

"And mine! What's wrong with these people? Can't they see what's coming?"

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