Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back


Damn, I hope your friend's son pulls out of it and is okay. This stuff is NOT to be messed around with. And I agree, with the lacking empathy, intelligence, and just plain common sense. I always thought America was a country that when something tragic happened, we'd pull together and rise above it together. But Trump has shown us that is not the case. I don't think this country will ever recover from Trump.

My daughter is doing better now too. She said yesterday she felt a little tired still, but not as tired as she had been. But I'm sick now. Sore throat, bad cough, headache, congestion (nasal and chest). I feel worse this time than I did the last time. I'm getting tested Tuesday. I mentioned it to the doc during Cara's appointment Thursday/Friday (symptoms were milder then, started getting worse yesterday), and he told me that I probably did get it again, that my last infection was fairly mild given this virus, and chances are I didn't build up any antibodies. I kept waking up last night from coughing so bad (and having nightmares...ugh). My O2 kept dropping to 92% last night and Cara started worrying about me and wanting me to go to the hospital. (Unfortunately, she was present when I had the stroke and when my blood pressure bottomed out, so she is overly protective now and anything out of the ordinary, she wants me getting checked.) I told her the hospital won't take me until it drops below 90% so she kept checking on me through the night. She is going to make a great mom one of these days, even if she is overly protective. lol
oy... even in our small group, counting acquaintances and family, there are more cases than I would have expected. Sending 'get well soon' wishes to everyone.
People are idiots. But even wearing masks is no protection, especially from Omicron. My daughter will not step foot outside of the house without a mask on. I commented to her yesterday that it was okay to walk in the yard (with the snow) without a mask on as long as no one else was around and she said, "Mom, putting a mask on before I walk outside is a good habit to get into, that way I never forget to wear it. If more people saw it as a part of their clothing choice for that day, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad right now. Plus, it's winter and it keeps my face warm." But for the majority of the people in the south, it's a political thing. They refuse to wear it and think anyone that does must be a Democrat. (My daughter is an independent.) It amazes me just how politicized vaccines and masks are. I never thought that could be a thing, and yet, here we are.
I am with your daughter - I just put one on when I leave, even to walk the dog. I have spares in my car and in my tote bags as well, just in case. I have also upgraded to N95 and KN95 masks, which is recommended. Now all of my cute washable cotton masks I was collecting are in a basket. Guess I could drape over my N95s... lol

Aside of wearing medical grade masks, the best way to try to avoid Omicron is to stay away from crowded public places, especially enclosed/indoors. Even when I shop for food I do not linger, I am in and out of the stores within 1/2 hour. Knock wood, I have avoided it (as far as I know). I mean, some fully vaxed/boosted people might get it and be asymptomatic and wouldn't even know they had it. Shit :confused:
I am with your daughter - I just put one on when I leave, even to walk the dog. I have spares in my car and in my tote bags as well, just in case. I have also upgraded to N95 and KN95 masks, which is recommended. Now all of my cute washable cotton masks I was collecting are in a basket. Guess I could drape over my N95s... lol

Aside of wearing medical grade masks, the best way to try to avoid Omicron is to stay away from crowded public places, especially enclosed/indoors. Even when I shop for food I do not linger, I am in and out of the stores within 1/2 hour. Knock wood, I have avoided it (as far as I know). I mean, some fully vaxed/boosted people might get it and be asymptomatic and wouldn't even know they had it. Shit :confused:

I'm going to be ordering the N95 or KN95 masks, but for now we're doubling up. Cara has not been in a public store or anything for the past 2 years, except for school this year. It's her Senior year of high school and we did the virtual classes last year, but she did not do well with virtual. So we had to go with in person classes. Cara has worn masks the entire school year and she said when she first started going back, she was one of the only ones that was still wearing a mask. No one ever said anything to her and no one picked on her about it, but she said she is seeing more and more kids wearing masks now, and one kid even said to her, "I think you were the smartest one here, because you never stopped wearing them." Cara said, "Well, when you decide that you want to live a lot longer and not die as a teenager, you do what you gotta do." My oldest would only wear masks where they were required, and in Missouri, that was in very few places. Most of the time, he was maskless. I just don't get him or other people who think that this is exaggerated, that it's not that deadly, that it's nothing but the flu. The Omicron, however, may be nothing but an oversized case of the flu for the vaccinated folks, but unvaccinated folks are still at greater risk. People are just idiots. I never felt that way about people, and always tried to find the good in every one, until Trump and then Covid. Now, people are just idiots until they show they aren't.
I'm going to be ordering the N95 or KN95 masks, but for now we're doubling up. Cara has not been in a public store or anything for the past 2 years, except for school this year. It's her Senior year of high school and we did the virtual classes last year, but she did not do well with virtual. So we had to go with in person classes. Cara has worn masks the entire school year and she said when she first started going back, she was one of the only ones that was still wearing a mask. No one ever said anything to her and no one picked on her about it, but she said she is seeing more and more kids wearing masks now, and one kid even said to her, "I think you were the smartest one here, because you never stopped wearing them." Cara said, "Well, when you decide that you want to live a lot longer and not die as a teenager, you do what you gotta do." My oldest would only wear masks where they were required, and in Missouri, that was in very few places. Most of the time, he was maskless. I just don't get him or other people who think that this is exaggerated, that it's not that deadly, that it's nothing but the flu. The Omicron, however, may be nothing but an oversized case of the flu for the vaccinated folks, but unvaccinated folks are still at greater risk. People are just idiots. I never felt that way about people, and always tried to find the good in every one, until Trump and then Covid. Now, people are just idiots until they show they aren't.
Ugh, was just watching weekend news recap and saw the anti-mandate demonstration in DC, with special guest speaker, conspiracy theorist, RFK Jr. :roll: With hospitals completely maxing-out (again) and medical workers at wit's end - WHAT ARE THEY NOT GETTING? I'm sorry, but if you choose NOT to get vaccinated and continue to be part of the problem in this virus continuing to spread and mutate... then you should not take up ANY ROOM in an ICU. I know that sounds cold and without compassion, but these anti-tax/maskers should not get any of the benefits of healthcare fighting this virus. I watched a "mother" yell at a school board that her kids will not be coming to school masked and if they are turned away she will bring guns! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!
Ugh, was just watching weekend news recap and saw the anti-mandate demonstration in DC, with special guest speaker, conspiracy theorist, RFK Jr. :roll: With hospitals completely maxing-out (again) and medical workers at wit's end - WHAT ARE THEY NOT GETTING? I'm sorry, but if you choose NOT to get vaccinated and continue to be part of the problem in this virus continuing to spread and mutate... then you should not take up ANY ROOM in an ICU. I know that sounds cold and without compassion, but these anti-tax/maskers should not get any of the benefits of healthcare fighting this virus. I watched a "mother" yell at a school board that her kids will not be coming to school masked and if they are turned away she will bring guns! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!

I keep thinking that if Trump had not been elected, this would never have been politicized the way it was and people would have been doing what they should have to mitigate the contagion. But since Trump had to make everything about him and make everything political, even public health is now considered a hot button topic. It's absolutely monstrous to me that people want to make public health out to be some kind of conspiracy against them. It's ideocracy in real time.
I keep thinking that if Trump had not been elected, this would never have been politicized the way it was and people would have been doing what they should have to mitigate the contagion. But since Trump had to make everything about him and make everything political, even public health is now considered a hot button topic. It's absolutely monstrous to me that people want to make public health out to be some kind of conspiracy against them. It's ideocracy in real time.
I agree. :confused:
People are idiots. But even wearing masks is no protection, especially from Omicron. My daughter will not step foot outside of the house without a mask on. I commented to her yesterday that it was okay to walk in the yard (with the snow) without a mask on as long as no one else was around and she said, "Mom, putting a mask on before I walk outside is a good habit to get into, that way I never forget to wear it. If more people saw it as a part of their clothing choice for that day, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad right now. Plus, it's winter and it keeps my face warm." But for the majority of the people in the south, it's a political thing. They refuse to wear it and think anyone that does must be a Democrat. (My daughter is an independent.) It amazes me just how politicized vaccines and masks are. I never thought that could be a thing, and yet, here we are.
Wishing your family well and yes it’s sad the whole mask thing has gone so political for many. They seem to put their ego before common sense. Smh.
Nils Lofgren Pulls Music From Spotify in Solidarity With Neil Young [Rolling Stone;1.29.22]

""We encourage all musicians, artists and music lovers everywhere, to stand with us all, and cut ties with Spotify," guitarist writes."
Nils Lofgren has joined Neil Young in removing his music from Spotify to protest the misinformation about vaccines spread by the streaming service’s Joe Rogan Experience.
“We encourage all musicians, artists and music lovers everywhere, to stand with us all, and cut ties with Spotify,” Lofgren added Saturday. “Music is our planet’s sacred weapon, uniting and healing billions of souls every day. Pick up your sword and start swinging. Neil always has. Stand with him, us (Joni Mitchell!) and others. It’s a powerful action you can all take now, to honor truth, humanity, and the heroes risking their lives every day to save ours.”
btw, if the rights to Prince's music are controlled by PW, would there be any redress if they put his name to dodgy causes?
Nils Lofgren Pulls Music From Spotify in Solidarity With Neil Young [Rolling Stone;1.29.22]

""We encourage all musicians, artists and music lovers everywhere, to stand with us all, and cut ties with Spotify," guitarist writes."


btw, if the rights to Prince's music are controlled by PW, would there be any redress if they put his name to dodgy causes?

Joni Mitchell Plans to Follow Neil Young Off Spotify, Citing ‘Lies’​

“Irresponsible people are spreading lies that are costing people their lives,” she wrote after the site was accused of spreading vaccine misinformation.

If more musicians and customers pull out of Spotify, will they remove Joe Rogan - or - will they keep on keeping on with the stigma of facilitiating a source of misinformation.

It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, PW does.
If more musicians and customers pull out of Spotify, will they remove Joe Rogan - or - will they keep on keeping on with the stigma of facilitiating a source of misinformation.

It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, PW does.
Jaw-dropping that Joe Rogan got >$100m (speculated - not confirmed) arrangement from Spotify for Spotify airing his show.
Joe Rogan Strikes an Exclusive, Multiyear Deal With Spotify [NYTimes;5.20.20]
Mr. Rogan announced the deal on Instagram, telling his 9.5 million followers that the podcast would move to Spotify on Sept. 1, in an agreement that further cements Spotify’s evolution from a music streaming service to a behemoth purveyor of all kinds of online audio.
"It will remain free, and it will be the exact same show," said Rogan. "It's just a licensing deal, so Spotify won't have any creative control over the show.
"They want me to just continue doing it the way I'm doing it right now.
In a statement, Spotify described the agreement as a “multiyear exclusive licensing deal” that would make the podcast free for all of the platform’s 286 million users.
Mr. Rogan said clips of the show would still be available on YouTube, where the show currently streams and attracts millions of weekly viewers. But later in the year, full episodes will stream exclusively on Spotify.
In a statement about the deal with Mr. Rogan, the company said his podcast was already “the most-searched-for podcast on Spotify and is the leading show on practically every other podcasting platform.”
And, from the BBC, also in 2020:
Why Joe Rogan's exclusive Spotify deal matters [5.20.20]
The kind of figures involved in the deal are incredibly rare in the podcast world - and Rogan will now likely earn more money than most musicians on Spotify.

"Joe Rogan just got paid the equivalent value of over 26 billion streams for a podcast licence," wrote Tom Gray, director of the royalties, music copyright and licensing society, PRS for Music.
"A musician would need to generate 23 billion streams on Spotify to earn what they're paying Joe Rogan for his podcast rights." added music writer Ted Gioia.
Gioia suggested this means "Spotify values Rogan more than any musician in the history of the world".
More perspective on Neil Young's reasons:
Neil Young: I'm Not Trying to Censor Joe Rogan [Rolling Stone:1.28.22]
But some critics, most notably in the anti-vaccine crowd, have accused him of somehow trying to censor Rogan.

In a new letter on The Neil Young Archives, he responds to that line of attack. “I support free speech,” he wrote. “I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information. I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”
He also said this about Spotify:
Elsewhere in the letter, Young criticized Spotify for reducing the quality of their sound files “down to 5% of the music’s content.” “Amazon, Apple Music, and Qobuz deliver up to 100% of the music today and it sounds a lot better than the shitty, degraded and neutered sound of Spotify,” he writes. “If you support Spotify, you are destroying an art form. Business over art. Spotify plays the artists’s music at 5% of its quality and charges you like it was the real thing.”
Does Spotify actually have crappy sound?
Jaw-dropping that Joe Rogan got >$100m (speculated - not confirmed) arrangement from Spotify for Spotify airing his show.
Joe Rogan Strikes an Exclusive, Multiyear Deal With Spotify [NYTimes;5.20.20]

And, from the BBC, also in 2020:
Why Joe Rogan's exclusive Spotify deal matters [5.20.20]

More perspective on Neil Young's reasons:
Neil Young: I'm Not Trying to Censor Joe Rogan [Rolling Stone:1.28.22]

He also said this about Spotify:

Does Spotify actually have crappy sound?
Neil Young would be an authority on sound as he actually tried to start his own music streaming service that offered music with exceptional sound.
SMH :mad:

ox Hosts Lionized an Ex-State Trooper for His Anti-Vax Stance. Then He Died of COVID-19.​

Robert LaMay was portrayed by Fox as a martyr for defying vaccine mandates, but its hosts haven’t yet acknowledged the rest of the story.
FEBRUARY 1, 2022
Traffic on Sixth Avenue passes by advertisements featuring Fox News personalities including Bret Baier Martha MacCallum...

Traffic on Sixth Avenue passes by advertisements featuring Fox News personalities, including Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity, adorn the front of the News Corporation building on March 13, 2019.BY DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES

In October, some of Fox News’s biggest stars lauded Washington state trooper Robert LaMay after he resigned from his job in protest over Governor Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate for state employees. The 22-year veteran of the Washington State Patrol shared a video of his final message on the agency’s dispatch system, claiming that he was “being asked to leave because I am dirty” in a viral clip. (LaMay said he had received a religious vaccine exemption but still resigned.) “This is the last time you’ll hear me in a state patrol car,” he added. “And Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.” During the first week of his retirement, LaMay drew the conservative media spotlight, appearing on Mornings With Maria and receiving praise from The Ingraham Angle, where he was portrayed as a martyr for refusing the jab.
On Friday, almost four months after his triumphant press tour, KIRO radio in Washington reported that the 50-year-old LaMay had died after contracting COVID-19. In a statement, Washington State Patrol chief John R. Batiste wrote that he was “deeply saddened” by the passing of a “former friend and colleague” and offered his prayers to LaMay’s family. But Fox News stars who covered LaMay’s decision to remain unvaccinated—we don’t know the details of his case, but the COVID-19 vaccine is the best protection against serious illness and death—have not expressed similar condolences. Instead, Fox hosts Laura Ingraham and Maria Bartiromo are ignoring the news of his passing, and the network has instead moved on to a new cast of anti-vax patriots to charm their audience of millions. (Fox News did run a story about LaMay's death online.)
Throughout Fox’s Monday night programming, viewers were introduced to a slew of people portrayed as blue-collar mavericks heroically opposing oppressive vaccine mandates imposed on them by liberal elites. Sean Hannity extolled a group of Canadian truck drivers for protesting against “the government’s restrictive COVID-19 mandates,” Ingraham invited on a Washington, D.C., business owner who said he had his liquor license suspended after defying the city’s pandemic safety statutes, and Tucker Carlson spoke with a trucker from the anti-vax “freedom convoy” who conducted his Fox News interview from inside his rig.

In October, when LaMay appeared on Ingraham’s show, the Fox host all but acknowledged her network’s power to elevate and lionize those who oppose COVID vaccines. “What’s next for you—other than being a celebrity now—what’s next for you?” Ingraham asked, to which LaMay said he would continue to be a “spokesperson” for the “thousands, even millions” of Americans opposed to vaccine mandates. At the end of the segment, Ingraham referred to Americans like LaMay as a “sleeping giant” beginning to stir. “We hope that that’s what’s happened here,” she added. “We’ve awakened it slowly but surely. Robert, thank you for joining us. We really appreciate your voice and best of luck to you.”
SMH :mad:

ox Hosts Lionized an Ex-State Trooper for His Anti-Vax Stance. Then He Died of COVID-19.​

Robert LaMay was portrayed by Fox as a martyr for defying vaccine mandates, but its hosts haven’t yet acknowledged the rest of the story.
FEBRUARY 1, 2022
Traffic on Sixth Avenue passes by advertisements featuring Fox News personalities including Bret Baier Martha MacCallum...

Traffic on Sixth Avenue passes by advertisements featuring Fox News personalities, including Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity, adorn the front of the News Corporation building on March 13, 2019.BY DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES

In October, some of Fox News’s biggest stars lauded Washington state trooper Robert LaMay after he resigned from his job in protest over Governor Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate for state employees. The 22-year veteran of the Washington State Patrol shared a video of his final message on the agency’s dispatch system, claiming that he was “being asked to leave because I am dirty” in a viral clip. (LaMay said he had received a religious vaccine exemption but still resigned.) “This is the last time you’ll hear me in a state patrol car,” he added. “And Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.” During the first week of his retirement, LaMay drew the conservative media spotlight, appearing on Mornings With Maria and receiving praise from The Ingraham Angle, where he was portrayed as a martyr for refusing the jab.
On Friday, almost four months after his triumphant press tour, KIRO radio in Washington reported that the 50-year-old LaMay had died after contracting COVID-19. In a statement, Washington State Patrol chief John R. Batiste wrote that he was “deeply saddened” by the passing of a “former friend and colleague” and offered his prayers to LaMay’s family. But Fox News stars who covered LaMay’s decision to remain unvaccinated—we don’t know the details of his case, but the COVID-19 vaccine is the best protection against serious illness and death—have not expressed similar condolences. Instead, Fox hosts Laura Ingraham and Maria Bartiromo are ignoring the news of his passing, and the network has instead moved on to a new cast of anti-vax patriots to charm their audience of millions. (Fox News did run a story about LaMay's death online.)
Throughout Fox’s Monday night programming, viewers were introduced to a slew of people portrayed as blue-collar mavericks heroically opposing oppressive vaccine mandates imposed on them by liberal elites. Sean Hannity extolled a group of Canadian truck drivers for protesting against “the government’s restrictive COVID-19 mandates,” Ingraham invited on a Washington, D.C., business owner who said he had his liquor license suspended after defying the city’s pandemic safety statutes, and Tucker Carlson spoke with a trucker from the anti-vax “freedom convoy” who conducted his Fox News interview from inside his rig.

In October, when LaMay appeared on Ingraham’s show, the Fox host all but acknowledged her network’s power to elevate and lionize those who oppose COVID vaccines. “What’s next for you—other than being a celebrity now—what’s next for you?” Ingraham asked, to which LaMay said he would continue to be a “spokesperson” for the “thousands, even millions” of Americans opposed to vaccine mandates. At the end of the segment, Ingraham referred to Americans like LaMay as a “sleeping giant” beginning to stir. “We hope that that’s what’s happened here,” she added. “We’ve awakened it slowly but surely. Robert, thank you for joining us. We really appreciate your voice and best of luck to you.”
HOw do they sleep at night? They must hate themselves, underneath their intoxication with celebrity. It's like a horror movie. Children of the corn luring people to their deaths..
This is interesting:

WASTEWATER SURVEILLANCE The US CDC has added wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA to its COVID Data Tracker, as virus levels in sewage water may be capable of providing an early warning signal for transmission surges. The tool comprises data from more than 400 testing sites in 37 states, with more than 34,000 samples representing 53 million US residents collected so far. Hundreds of additional testing sites are expected to begin submitting data to the system in coming weeks. The CDC initiated the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NEWS) in September 2020, and it has become a critical tool for public health officials since it can show where viral loads are changing, which communities are at risk of a surge in cases, and where medical supplies should be deployed.

An additional benefit of the COVID wastewater tracking system is the identification of novel and “cryptic” variants of SARS-CoV-2. Cryptic variants are lineages of SARS-CoV-2 that contain mutations never before observed in humans. A number of cryptic lineages have been detected in the New York City sewer system. The origin of these out-of-the-ordinary lineages, which also have been detected in Missouri and California, has not yet been determined, but the most popular hypothesis is the mutations arose simultaneously in similar animal hosts, such as rodents that live in the sewer systems. Whatever the source, the new surveillance system could be critical in identifying and tracking the next major variant of concern.

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