Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

US elections ~ 2024

I asked YOU, not "other people feel like x"- You
I gave the middle finger to BOTH parties decades ago when I became a moderate Independent. The GOP's openly hostile to black folks and for too long, Democrats have taken black voters for granted. I see both parties becoming too extreme. I'm turned off by far-right Trumpism and Biden leaning more to the left. Biden is fooling himself if he thinks the "Trump boogeyman" approach will work again in 2024. He's not winning again without huge black voter turnout.
I gave the middle finger to BOTH parties decades ago when I became a moderate Independent. The GOP's openly hostile to black folks and for too long, Democrats have taken black voters for granted. I see both parties becoming too extreme. I'm turned off by far-right Trumpism and Biden leaning more to the left. Biden is fooling himself if he thinks the "Trump boogeyman" approach will work again in 2024. He's not winning again without huge black voter turnout.
So honestly, tell me what you are doing about it? We cant get better without working on it and withdrawl does nothing but hand elections to people that just want their way or nothing else, you know, old white folk who vote without fail.
Society changes in two ways, evolution or revolution- how do we make it better?
So honestly, tell me what you are doing about it? We cant get better without working on it and withdrawl does nothing but hand elections to people that just want their way or nothing else, you know, old white folk who vote without fail.
Society changes in two ways, evolution or revolution- how do we make it better?
The only way to make things better is a serious change to the biased & corrupt two-party system that's holding the U.S. hostage and preventing real progress. What the Democrats & Republicans need is competition from less-extreme parties and give voters real choices. Unfortunately, to do that, those parties need serious money that they don't have.

All we're doing in the U.S. is voting for the lesser of two evils...which candidate will f*** things up LESS than the other one.
This whole migrant mess has opened Black Americans eyes as to how the Democrats really feel (which Malcolm X said long ago when he talked about "wolves & foxes"). Here in NYC, and especially in Chicago, black citizens are furious. As I stated before, Dems can't win the White House without huge black voter turnout. Even if a small percentage votes for Trump, stays home, or votes third party(as I do), Democrats are in trouble. And all the gaslighting from shills like Roland Martin, Tiffany Cross, Joy Reid and Al Sharpton won't change a thing. Black Americans are tired of being taken for granted after supporting Democrats for 60 years.

Phillip Scott nailed it;
This whole migrant mess has opened Black Americans eyes as to how the Democrats really feel (which Malcolm X said long ago when he talked about "wolves & foxes"). Here in NYC, and especially in Chicago, black citizens are furious. As I stated before, Dems can't win the White House without huge black voter turnout. Even if a small percentage votes for Trump, stays home, or votes third party(as I do), Democrats are in trouble. And all the gaslighting from shills like Roland Martin, Tiffany Cross, Joy Reid and Al Sharpton won't change a thing. Black Americans are tired of being taken for granted after supporting Democrats for 60 years.

Phillip Scott nailed it;
Thanks for your input. It’s good to have different voices here. Also, I’m interested to know what issues drive people or whole groups to vote or not vote.

One thought: republicans target African-American /Black districts in their gerrymandering efforts in order to dilute that vote. They also institute policies involving drop boxes, mail-in ballots, number of precincts, voting hours, etcetera, basically engaging in disenfranchisement by other names.

I understand the decision not to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Highlighting any differences might not be of interest.
One thought: republicans target African-American /Black districts in their gerrymandering efforts in order to dilute that vote. They also institute policies involving drop boxes, mail-in ballots, number of precincts, voting hours, etcetera, basically engaging in disenfranchisement by other names.
Which the Democrats will remind black voters of the closer we get to the election. Folks are angry now, but it could change come November.

barnswallow, the fact that THIS is happening tells you the anger is real, especially with the younger generations of black voters. We all know what Trump is, but Biden's a bigot too.

I think Democrats try to solve problems in the U.S. and care about regular citizens whereas republicans live in the corporate pocket. Not to say Democrats are without fault. Money in politics is a problem to which all politicians are prone but I think dems have the will to at least try to put that genii back in the bottle.
Both parties crave power, and they'll do whatever it takes to hold on to that power. I trust Democrats as much as I trust Republicans.

In some ways I agree - yep, they all crave power … one thing that hammered that home in my mind was when we went into Iraq after 9/11. Nearly every Congress person caved to the pressure. They stuck their finger in the wind and voted ‘let’s go’. Yeah. Disgusting. I also think we are not likely to find a party that does not succumb to the lure of power and keeping a plum job in the limelight. That’s politics. Still, I see fundamental, core differences between the parties that matter. Biden is the first president to go stand on a picket line, for example. t—— is the first to threaten to invoke the insurrection act on day 1 of another term and the first to try to overthrow the results of an election, etc, etc, etc!
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I think that people have a grandiose idea of what a president can and cannot do while in office. A President cannot control gas prices. A Presdeint cannot single handedly control inflation or the stock market for that matter. Obama only had two years of a Dem congress and got ACA passed which has given millions healthcare today they would not otherwise have. But sure enough - as soon as the other party took the majority in the house and senate, nothing, not even sensibile gun legislation after babies were gunned down in Newtown, could pass. Even Obama's legitimate SCOTUS nomination was ignored with the bogus excuse "let the people decide who gets to appoint in the next election" - and look how *THAT* turned out. The current SCOTUS reversed Roe, a law that over 65% of the American public supports.

Craving power is part of wanting to be president - it depends on what you do with that power. I see no evidence of Biden exploiting power for his own gain - I do see 'other' candidates aiming to do just that. When one candidate tries to overturn a free and fair election, encourages and enjoys the physical violence stemming from his own rhetoric, he is showing you his lack of moral fiber. He is not a choice on so many levels, nor is the party who does not represent the majority of people in this nation and who have sacrificed their own moral integrity by willfully turning a blind eye and supporting him.

I do not see the choice as a lesser of two evils at all. It's not the power itself, it's what you do with it.
According to a recent article in USA Today, just 63% of black voters support Biden, compared to 87% in 2020. Also, 1 out 5 black voters said they'll vote third party(which is what I plan to do). It's no wonder Democratic strategists are nervous. 2024 won't be a repeat of 2020. The days of the fish-fry and one-time church visit won't work with younger, angrier black voters.
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According to a recent article in USA Today, just 63% of black voters support Biden, compared to 87% in 2020. Also, 1 out 5 black voters said they'll vote third party(which is what I plan to do). It's no wonder Democratic strategists are nervous. 2024 won't be a repeat of 2020. The days of the fish-fry and one-time church visit won't work with younger, angrier black voters.
Knowing that the margins are razor thin as far as the electoral college goes, doing that strikes me as not just a throw-away vote but a willingness to throw your hat in with t——, come what may. Do you think a third party candidate will have a reasonable chance of winning? Who is the winner in this scenario? The american people? The fat cats? Is the driver a devil may care attitude? Or, just a middle finger to the whole system, never mind the consequences?
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I take to heart the suggestion that democracy is on the ballot in 2024. I’m getting that you think that is just Democratic Party fear-mongering. Or would you explain? Is the anger rooted in an attitude of democracy-shamocracy, it’s never done anything for us and all you dems can shove it somewhere the sun won’t shine? Whatever comes down the pike, however bad, is better than the status quo. Let’s give the republican’s maga road a go and fast track to embrace leadership resembling that in Hungary, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Turkey, etcetera. Never mind Elijah Cummings, John Lewis, Val Demming, Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, etc They are ___________ (fill in the blank). I am trying to understand, so please don’t take wrong my attempt to put words to what I think may be your rationale.
It's a middle finger to 60 years of falling for the banana-in-the-tail-pipe and being taken for granted....many black voters have finally had enough, especially in NY & Chicago (over the migrants). I've talked to many online and my circle of family and friends....some say they'll either stay home, switch to Trump, vote third-party or leave the Democratic Party altogether and become an Independent(it's what I did decades ago). The attitude is, we're being ignored either way, so let Biden and the Dems crash & burn. If the Democrats want to change that, stop with the Trump scare tactics and come to Black Americans with something tangible.

Shoot, Biden's numbers are so bad ( and he's lost some support with Black & Hispanic voters), Obama recently met with him to get him to be more aggressive in his campaign.
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It's a middle finger to 60 years of falling for the banana-in-the-tail-pipe and being taken for granted....many black voters have finally had enough, especially in NY & Chicago (over the migrants). I've talked to many online and my circle of family and friends....some say they'll either stay home, switch to Trump, vote third-party or leave the Democratic Party altogether and become an Independent(it's what I did decades ago). The attitude is, we're being ignored either way, so let Biden and the Dems crash & burn. If the Democrats want to change that, stop with the Trump scare tactics and come to Black Americans with something tangible.
Student loan forgiveness and other repayment programs, lower drug prices, efforts to address climate change, infrastructure funding, the CHIPS and Science Act bringing well-paying jobs, a prescription drug price cap of $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare, conferring to Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices for the first time, job creation and the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, a halt to all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze, consumer protections by way of an executive order to reduce paperwork and other barriers to obtaining government benefits such as Medicaid, disability, food assistance and unemployment insurance, efforts to address junk fees, those hefty add-ons to hospital stays, hotel rooms, phone bills and more. Boosting the budget of the IRS to reduce tax evasion by corporate entities and the wealthy. Efforts on reproductive rights after the repeal of roe v wade. Filling judicial vacancies at a prodigious clip: (1) associate justice of the Supreme Court; 153 Article III judges; 36 judges for the U.S. court of Appeals; 116 judges for the U.S. district courts. That’s some of the Biden record.

On immigration, as Dimi says there are limits to what a president can do. I have to go look this up but don’t have time right now. From what I remember, democrats in Congress have tried to bring the topic to the table and republicans will not allow it to come up for discussion, much less craft a policy and put it to a vote. They much prefer to maintain immigration dysfunction and have a finger to point and throw barbs than to ever resolve to address the problem. Anyway. Yikes. Must go. It’s late.
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A couple of videos about t——: 1 showing clips of evangelical ministers embracing and promoting t—— and 2, an interview with an academic in psychiatry speaking about the collective mental health effects of exposure to t—— over a prolonged period. Actually, both are about more than what I’ve written.

I’m going to include the title link to the video clips which is really just duplicating the link but I like including the title, so hear it is:

Trump FREAKS OUT over Biden getting GOOD NEWS [Ben Meiselas; 1.7.24]

LIVE: Top Psychiatrist SOUNDS ALARM on Trump’s dictator FANTASY [The Weekend Show; 1.7.24]
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