Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

The controversial topic of abortion:


Well-Known Member
50 years ago, women were given the right to choose by SCOTUS. Yesterday, the Supreme Court held a hearing about Mississippi's law banning abortion at 15 weeks. However, the Mississippi Solicitor General was actually asking the court to overturn Roe v Wade and Casey, both established law in this country. 5 of the Supreme Court Justices, including the 3 that Trump put in power, appear to be ready to turn abortion rights over to the states. This means that Republican states (23 Republican states, but they have legislative control in 30 states), will overturn Roe v Wade and make abortions illegal. Democrats have control of 15 states and legislative control in 18 states, and they will continue to make abortion accessible.

Regardless of my own personal feelings on abortion, I believe in the woman's right to choose. THIS should not be controlled by the government. I was diagnosed with blood clots at 17. My grandmother died while giving birth to my mom from blood clots. My mom died 4 months after my sister was born, from blood clots. 4 months is still considered post partum and still considered pregnancy related. When I became pregnant at 19 with my oldest, the doctor met with me and said, "You don't have to feel obligated to have this baby. Being pregnant can kill you." I looked at the doctor, confused why he thought I felt having my baby was an obligation, but I was very much aware of the risks that pregnancy and childbirth held for me. But it was my choice to make, and mine alone. I told that doctor, "If you are not 100% certain, if it is not a 100% guarantee, that something will happen to me or to my baby, you can forget it." The doctor said, "Now Brenda, you know there are no 100% guarantees in life." I said, "Yes, I do. And you have my answer." Later, the intern working with me said, "This is going to be a knee knocker the whole 9 months."

I had to go to a high risk clinic every single week. I had an ultrasound done on my baby every month. I had to take shots of heparin 3 times a day, every day, with my first son. At 5 months, I developed a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and a PE (pulmonary embolism). They got it stable and I went home. My son was late (due date was Halloween) and I went into labor on Halloween but he was born 4 days later. It was a very rough labor. They finally rushed me up, knocked me, and did an emergency C-section. My son was born healthy and beautiful.

Through his pregnancy, through every difficulty, through the intense labor, I was aware that this was MY choice. I refused to let the doctors talk me out of my choice. I had my choice taken away as a young girl, but as an adult, I valued my right to choose. Now, I have two more children, with both (different doctors, different state) the doctors offered me the option of getting an abortion because of the risk to my life. Of course, I declined. My 2nd child is now 20 and my baby girl will be 18 soon. Abortion was not a choice for me. But I cannot ever tell another woman in this same situation, that she must make the same choice I made. I was terrified through my pregnancies, because the risk was real and I knew that. But this was the right choice for me, one I have never regretted.

Now, however, the Supreme Court is going to rule that the states get to make that choice, and will once again take my right to choose. (Of course, at this stage in life, that choice is merely symbolic, but it is a right that I have valued through my adulthood and it is a right that will be stripped away from daughter.) The Supreme Court is going to tell women that they are neutral on this matter and that it should be up to the states to govern this issue. Personally, I think women rule this country in ways that men can never understand. We are the ones that bring life into the world. We are the ones that have them by the balls, literally. And if women walk out of their jobs, if women protest, if women march, if women refuse to engage in sex then we show them, that they may take away our right to choose what happens to our own bodies, but that we have other rights of choice that will make their lives absolutely miserable. States want to take ownership of our bodies, but they will never control our minds, our hearts, and our determination. We can bring it all to a screeching halt. And we need to, to borrow a Prince title, have Pussy Control.
50 years ago, women were given the right to choose by SCOTUS. Yesterday, the Supreme Court held a hearing about Mississippi's law banning abortion at 15 weeks. However, the Mississippi Solicitor General was actually asking the court to overturn Roe v Wade and Casey, both established law in this country. 5 of the Supreme Court Justices, including the 3 that Trump put in power, appear to be ready to turn abortion rights over to the states. This means that Republican states (23 Republican states, but they have legislative control in 30 states), will overturn Roe v Wade and make abortions illegal. Democrats have control of 15 states and legislative control in 18 states, and they will continue to make abortion accessible.

Regardless of my own personal feelings on abortion, I believe in the woman's right to choose. THIS should not be controlled by the government. I was diagnosed with blood clots at 17. My grandmother died while giving birth to my mom from blood clots. My mom died 4 months after my sister was born, from blood clots. 4 months is still considered post partum and still considered pregnancy related. When I became pregnant at 19 with my oldest, the doctor met with me and said, "You don't have to feel obligated to have this baby. Being pregnant can kill you." I looked at the doctor, confused why he thought I felt having my baby was an obligation, but I was very much aware of the risks that pregnancy and childbirth held for me. But it was my choice to make, and mine alone. I told that doctor, "If you are not 100% certain, if it is not a 100% guarantee, that something will happen to me or to my baby, you can forget it." The doctor said, "Now Brenda, you know there are no 100% guarantees in life." I said, "Yes, I do. And you have my answer." Later, the intern working with me said, "This is going to be a knee knocker the whole 9 months."

I had to go to a high risk clinic every single week. I had an ultrasound done on my baby every month. I had to take shots of heparin 3 times a day, every day, with my first son. At 5 months, I developed a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and a PE (pulmonary embolism). They got it stable and I went home. My son was late (due date was Halloween) and I went into labor on Halloween but he was born 4 days later. It was a very rough labor. They finally rushed me up, knocked me, and did an emergency C-section. My son was born healthy and beautiful.

Through his pregnancy, through every difficulty, through the intense labor, I was aware that this was MY choice. I refused to let the doctors talk me out of my choice. I had my choice taken away as a young girl, but as an adult, I valued my right to choose. Now, I have two more children, with both (different doctors, different state) the doctors offered me the option of getting an abortion because of the risk to my life. Of course, I declined. My 2nd child is now 20 and my baby girl will be 18 soon. Abortion was not a choice for me. But I cannot ever tell another woman in this same situation, that she must make the same choice I made. I was terrified through my pregnancies, because the risk was real and I knew that. But this was the right choice for me, one I have never regretted.

Now, however, the Supreme Court is going to rule that the states get to make that choice, and will once again take my right to choose. (Of course, at this stage in life, that choice is merely symbolic, but it is a right that I have valued through my adulthood and it is a right that will be stripped away from daughter.) The Supreme Court is going to tell women that they are neutral on this matter and that it should be up to the states to govern this issue. Personally, I think women rule this country in ways that men can never understand. We are the ones that bring life into the world. We are the ones that have them by the balls, literally. And if women walk out of their jobs, if women protest, if women march, if women refuse to engage in sex then we show them, that they may take away our right to choose what happens to our own bodies, but that we have other rights of choice that will make their lives absolutely miserable. States want to take ownership of our bodies, but they will never control our minds, our hearts, and our determination. We can bring it all to a screeching halt. And we need to, to borrow a Prince title, have Pussy Control.
Benni, thank you for posting this.🙏
What exactly does the extreme right hope to gain by banning abortion and rolling back what's been the law of the land for 50 years? Allowing for more children who are the vicitms of rape/incest be forced to birth unwanted children? They might reduce the number of abortions in their state - but people will just go to another to have the procedure, if they can afford to.

And this rolls back women's rights and sovereignty over their own bodies. :sigh:
What exactly does the extreme right hope to gain by banning abortion and rolling back what's been the law of the land for 50 years? Allowing for more children who are the vicitms of rape/incest be forced to birth unwanted children? They might reduce the number of abortions in their state - but people will just go to another to have the procedure, if they can afford to.

And this rolls back women's rights and sovereignty over their own bodies. :sigh:
own the libs? adopt a position they might not really believe in but which garners votes? kowtow to leonard leo and federalist society and maybe earn campaign $ in the bargain? money and power. power and money.
Basically the GOP/Federalist Society want to enlarge the School to Prison Pipeline, to the nursery to prison pipeline.
Suffice to say, this could probably be any republican.

Dr. Oz is running against John Fetterman for the U.S. Senate Pennsylvania seat.

After the unpopular ruling by the Supreme Court [Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization] that enabled states to ban abortion, republicans started scrubbing their websites and, generally, tried to sweep the issue under the rug.

Then, senator Lindsey graham let the cat out of the bag… and suggested, if republicans gain control, they will seek a national ban.
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I have been putting things in place to have an escape route to Europe for us, I will not let my wife be a second class citzen.
I’m so sad to read your post and respect the decision, completely. It’s a time for nuts and zealots here.

Conspiracy theories abound and strange groups that have existed for a long period of time are bubbling just below the surface. Right wing groups and alliances have become more brazenly vocal in the public sphere.

Have you heard of the ‘seven mountains’? I hadn’t. It’s a long-view strategy by (must look up which group - stay tuned!) to control what they refer to as the seven mountains - the press, the judiciary, the arts and education, the military, and so on… (not sure of the id’s of the mountains)… the basic goal is authoritarian- to control everything.
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I’m so sad to read your post and respect the decision, completely. It’s a time for nuts and zealots here.

Conspiracy theories abound and strange groups that have existed for a long period of time are bubbling just below the surface. Right wing groups and alliances have become more brazenly vocal in the public sphere.

Have you heard of the ‘seven mountains’? I hadn’t. It’s a long-view strategy by (must look up which group - stay tuned!) to control what they refer to as the seven mountains - the press, the judiciary, the arts and education, the military, and so on… (not sure of the id’s of the mountains)… the basic goal is authoritarian- to control everything.
We wont be on our way unless things look like staying this way, voting in the mid terms is key. We own businesses and property here, we cant just up and leave. But we are deadly serious about it
We wont be on our way unless things look like staying this way, voting in the mid terms is key. We own businesses and property here, we cant just up and leave. But we are deadly serious about it
Europe I understand, but I wouldn't come back to the UK. Things could very easily take the same turn here.

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