Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

Lightning Round


Well-Known Member
Come on y'all can't be sitting around working at your day jobs, get some energy to this site!!!!! Quit beebopping around the political agenda and wallowing in the disgusting racism topics because if the site was about sewing the seeds of love those would be where the holes go.
You have a new avatar picture.
yes thank you for noticing. i even have a new new avatar picture. i changed it to the owl yesterday for Prince birthday day stuff. I like it because not only does it say "OWL" like Prince's scream but also that is how my real name is pronounced in some languages. Not only that, I decided to get away from the curse of the symbol for a minute.
Don't know how long it'll be before you change your avatar pic again so I'll post this quick. I randomly typed in fireflies (instigated by 'lightning round') and 'owl' and here's what came up! Have you heard of this artist before?
Weirdly enough yes I do believe I have heard of them previously. They sound like a mix containing greatest bits of my favorite era.
When I came upon that song and saw how many views it had, i realized how utterly out of the loop I am (not surprising). Of course, everything swings back to Prince. The second owl city song I listened to mentioned him in the second line: Good time. So, since that song featured Carly Rae Jepsen, I started wondering, "Who is that?" After some investigation, Prince popped up again, in the form of a song written by Jepsen with Dev Hynes, which they compare to a song by p: All that. So, then I said to myself, "Who is Dev Hynes?" After a little investigation, you know, there's Prince again: dev hynes tells kindness about the prince gig of a lifetime.
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Wow and I thought I was the only one converting from enthusiast to obsessed. The different eras are so crazy though don't you think? I used to make clever comments coyly wishing HE was reading them and I held back a lot. Now I want to type stuff and then I hold back because respect for the dead and all that. I can't fathom the thought that anybody would ever want to tell him to have a seat. Really I am using music and especially the internet as a diversion. I wish I had a lightning bug tree that would be magical to see. I'm keeping the owl for awhile.
Hey, the fireflies have started their night time antics, here. If I knew how and had the equipment I'd make you a picture. They've been doin' it a couple of weeks now. Happy summer solstice, one day later...
Excited Taco GIF by Leroy Patterson

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